Story(Us): The Power of Collaborative Storytelling: Jake Barton for the Future of StoryTelling 2012 Future of StoryTelling 6:57 12 years ago 6 372 Далее Скачать
Automated Storytelling: Kris Hammond for the Future of StoryTelling 2012 Future of StoryTelling 7:35 11 years ago 1 005 Далее Скачать
The Networking of Knowledge and Storytelling: David Weinberger for the Future of StoryTelling 2012 Future of StoryTelling 5:52 12 years ago 3 269 Далее Скачать
Touching the Storyworld: Andrea Phillips for the Future of StoryTelling 2012 Future of StoryTelling 5:57 12 years ago 1 801 Далее Скачать
Collaborative storytelling - a short guide Retellable Storytelling 3:29 4 years ago 1 103 Далее Скачать
The Sun Valley Writers' Conference Presents: Jake Barton "The Storytelling Revolution" Sun Valley Writers' Conference 52:29 1 year ago 277 Далее Скачать
Jake Barton The museum of you English Training & Development Center ETDC 15:39 10 years ago 1 Далее Скачать
Change By Design: Jake Barton on New Voices of Change Ford Foundation 24:27 12 years ago 125 Далее Скачать